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My Abandoned Consort is Stunning Jerry Write
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A single cold command, a disguise that transformed a stunning face into an ugly countenance, and a doomed fate as the abandoned consort of the Prime Minister's daughter - this is her destiny as she enters the palace without favor. What will happen when a modern assassin, Bing Xiyue, possesses the weak abandoned consort? When her stunning beauty is revealed to the world, what kind of storm will it bring? She is ruthless, cold, and considers herself heartless; he is handsome, with the natural qualities of a king, and believes he will never fall in love with a 'ugly' consort. But when love comes, how will they react? What will be the ultimate outcome? Will it be beauty, sorrow, joy, worry, happiness, or pain? To request the Moon God to change the ending, please leave a message or bookmark for the Moon God to see, as the ending will be rewritten if there are enough people interested! This book is only suitable for girls under sixteen...

A single cold command, a disguise that transformed a stunning face into an ugly countenance, and a doomed fate as the abandoned consort of the Prime Minister's daughter - this is her destiny as she enters the palace without favor. What will happen when a modern assassin, Bing Xiyue, possesses the weak abandoned consort? When her stunning beauty is revealed to the world, what kind of storm will it bring? She is ruthless, cold, and considers herself heartless; he is handsome, with the natural qualities of a king, and believes he will never fall in love with a 'ugly' consort. But when love comes, how will they react? What will be the ultimate outcome? Will it be beauty, sorrow, joy, worry, happiness, or pain? To request the Moon God to change the ending, please leave a message or bookmark for the Moon God to see, as the ending will be rewritten if there are enough people interested! This book is only suitable for girls under sixteen...
Latest Chapter :   Chapter Ten: Snow-awareness Nation's Provocation Update : 2023-07-06 09:09

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