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The Rise and Promotion of a Commoner's Daughter Jack Write
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Chu Xuan, her name was far from being the legitimate daughter of the family, so what? Chu Xuan still entered the palace ahead of her. In the harem, Chu Xuan was famous for her domineering and arrogant behavior, so what? Yet she stood firm amidst the deceit and trickery. Chu Xuan was lazy and indifferent by nature, but deep down she was more ruthless and decisive than anyone else. In the relentless palace, Emperor's favor was indeed her protection. For the days of sitting around and waiting for death in the future, she had to work hard. People say she is cold-hearted and lacking in loyalty and righteousness, so she shall be cold-hearted and lacking in loyalty and righteousness. People say she is devoted and loyal to her sovereign, so she shall be devoted and loyal.

Chu Xuan, her name was far from being the legitimate daughter of the family, so what? Chu Xuan still entered the palace ahead of her. In the harem, Chu Xuan was famous for her domineering and arrogant behavior, so what? Yet she stood firm amidst the deceit and trickery. Chu Xuan was lazy and indifferent by nature, but deep down she was more ruthless and decisive than anyone else. In the relentless palace, Emperor's favor was indeed her protection. For the days of sitting around and waiting for death in the future, she had to work hard. People say she is cold-hearted and lacking in loyalty and righteousness, so she shall be cold-hearted and lacking in loyalty and righteousness. People say she is devoted and loyal to her sovereign, so she shall be devoted and loyal.
Latest Chapter :   Chapter Ten: Seizing Power Update : 2023-07-05 22:07

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