novel book

Best Novels: A World of Imagination at Your Fingertips

Are you a bookworm in search of your next literary adventure? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into the enchanting world of novels, explore some of the most remarkable works of all time, and suggest websites where you can dive into these captivating stories.

1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen:
Jane Austen's masterpiece is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of readers for centuries. Set in the early 19th century, this novel revolves around the spirited Elizabeth Bennet and her tumultuous relationship with the enigmatic Mr. Darcy. With its witty dialogue and insightful social commentary, Pride and Prejudice remains a must-read for anyone seeking a tale of love, reputation, and self-discovery.

2. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee:
Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel is a powerful exploration of racial injustice and morality. Set in the 1930s, the story follows Scout Finch, a young girl living in Alabama, as her father defends an innocent black man accused of rape. Through Scout's innocent eyes, readers witness the harsh realities of prejudice and the importance of empathy and understanding.

3. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald:
Transport yourself to the Roaring Twenties with F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece, The Great Gatsby. This novel paints a vivid picture of glitz, glamour, and the pursuit of the American Dream. Follow Jay Gatsby's extravagant parties, complex relationships, and ultimately tragic fate as Fitzgerald explores themes of love, wealth, and the illusions of the Jazz Age.

4. 1984 by George Orwell:
George Orwell's dystopian novel, 1984, has become a symbol of government surveillance and totalitarian control. Set in a fictional future, the story revolves around Winston Smith, a low-ranking member of the Party, who starts questioning the regime's oppressive tactics. Orwell's thought-provoking narrative serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the importance of truth, freedom, and individuality.

When it comes to finding these novels and exploring even more captivating stories, several websites cater to avid readers:

1. Goodreads ( is a popular platform that allows users to discover, review, and discuss their favorite books. It provides personalized recommendations based on your reading preferences and connects you with fellow book enthusiasts.

2. Project Gutenberg ( offers over 60,000 free eBooks, including many classic novels. Immerse yourself in the world of literature without spending a penny by accessing their extensive digital library.

3. Amazon ( provides a vast selection of books, both physical and digital, catering to all genres and interests. With customer reviews and personalized recommendations, you can easily find your next great read.

In conclusion, novels are not just books; they are gateways to adventure, knowledge, and self-reflection. Whether you prefer Jane Austen's romance, Harper Lee's societal critique, F. Scott Fitzgerald's portrayal of the American Dream, or George Orwell's dystopian vision, these novels will transport you to different worlds and leave you yearning for more. So grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot, and embark on your next literary journey. Happy reading!
Sister Fiction

High-level official, May-December romance. When we were young, we all loved to fantasize, dreaming of having the most enviable love in the world. However, as we age, we realize that those were just dreams. I wrote this story to fulfill the dream I had when I was young. [I hope everyone supports me by voting for me, thank you.] Please do not reproduce this text.

13.20 Million words | 2023-06-08 19:42Update

novel now the novel novel book

Brave New World Fiction
Brave New World

"Brave New World" is one of the most iconic works of 20th-century dystopian literature. Alongside George Orwell's "1984" and Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We", it is considered one of the three pillars of the dystopian genre, with profound influence on the global intellectual sphere. Drawing upon extensive knowledge of biology and psychology, the book depicts a fictional society set in the era of Ford, or the year 632 A.F. (After Ford). It portrays a world where humans are controlled from birth to death, due to advancements in social and biological engineering. In this "brave new world", humanity has become mere puppets in the hands of monopolistic genetic corporations and political figures, with control starting as early as the stages of genetic manipulation and embryonic development.

12.78 Million words | 2021-01-08 10:11Update

fiction novel urban fiction urban life novel

Night Journey Fiction
Night Journey

Surviving in chaotic times is like night journey for the blind. All the strangeness is merely a disguise under the veil of self-interest. My brother told me that my eyes can see through this chaotic world, but I may not survive the month. I have no choice but to kill them. I don't want to, but they want to kill me too. My brother said we must stay alive. Only by staying alive, can there be hope...

12.68 Million words | 2023-05-28 05:05Update

middle school fiction short stories historical fiction short stories mystery fiction short stories

The Stranger Fiction
The Stranger

The Stranger is one of Albert Camus' most famous and groundbreaking works, considered to be a seminal novel in the Western literary tradition. The protagonist, often referred to as the 'stranger', has become an iconic and significant figure in Western literature and philosophy.

12.41 Million words | 2022-10-13 01:06Update

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Flower Face Fiction
Flower Face

From ancient times to the modern city, in all the touching stories, a book closest to the enigma of love. From the elegant ancient background to the playful modern style, there are office romances of urban white-collar workers, as well as the unique life of the legendary woman Liú Rúshì. Those who are deeply in love with the dark and bitter underworld boss also start an awkward love affair. And the unfinished longing in the novels 'Eastern Palace' and 'Thousands of Mountains in the Sunset' also reach its destination in 'Flower Face'.

12.31 Million words | 2022-03-24 23:48Update

historical fiction romance romance novel historical romance fiction

Stay with you for a long, long time. Fiction
Stay with you for a long, long time.

△ Renowned director Ang Lee's son, Li Chun, delivers a wonderful performance in the film adaptation of the same name, nominated for the Golden Horse Award and shortlisted for the Huading Award △ Adapted from the short story "I'm Not a Spare Tire, I'm Your Pacesetter" by Song Xiaojun △ Laughter and tears abound, not just romance, but also growth. How is the person you once loved desperately doing now? You have been my entire youth, I can't catch hold of you, yet I can't bear to let go. My dear, even though you don't love me, throughout this long journey of life, I am not just a spare tire, but your "pacesetter." My duty is to accompany you, running for a long time, running far away.

11.99 Million words | 2020-07-04 19:22Update

historical fiction for teen boys historical fiction teens historical teen fiction

Peach Blossoms Still Smile in the Spring Breeze Fiction
Peach Blossoms Still Smile in the Spring Breeze

In the sound of firecrackers ringing, a year has passed, and the spring breeze ushers in warmth. Congratulations to all the lovely ladies who have it all - finding a lost wallet when leaving the house and being embraced by handsome men when returning home. Your boss protects you, your classmates accommodate you, the lucky star shields you, and the god of wealth chases after you. With great fortune and success in all matters, each year becomes more beautiful. The peach blossoms still smile in the spring breeze. While celebrating the Lunar New Year, a certain rascal shares everyone's luck and becomes a loving mother as well. The next book, 'When Will the Scenery Know', will be an unprecedented, joyous reunion, filled with true gold and a completely unparalleled experience! Of course, this book, 'Peach Blossoms Still Smile in the Spring Breeze', like last year's 'When the Moon Was Bright', includes parody, emotion, alternate history, and extras. It's worth noting that this year's collection of short and medium-length stories emphasizes happy endings to a greater extent. Our slogan is: more choices, more laughter, all in 'FutureContemplation'!

11.96 Million words | 2020-07-15 14:05Update

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms Fiction
Romance of the Three Kingdoms

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is the first epic historical novel in China written in the form of chapters and verses. It mainly depicts wars and reflects the political and military struggles among the three political factions of Wei, Shu, and Wu. The novel is roughly divided into five parts: the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Dong Zhuo Rebellion, the competition among the warlords, the tripartite confrontation, and the reunification under the Jin Dynasty. Against a vast backdrop, it portrays magnificent and thrilling war scenes, successfully depicting nearly five hundred characters. The characters such as Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and others have become widely known. The novel does not adopt a simple narrative of the enemy and us, but provides a historically influential and profound description of all parties involved. The editor, Luo Guanzhong, interweaves the Thirty-Six Stratagems of warfare into the plot, incorporating both plot and military strategies.

11.53 Million words | 2022-07-13 22:03Update

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A Big City, A Small Room Fiction
A Big City, A Small Room

Xie Xiaodan is a beautiful and capable white-collar worker in the CBD, immersed in a refined and luxurious lifestyle. Her cousin Chen Qing, a top student graduated from Stanford, gave up a well-paid job in the United States to fully support her boyfriend's entrepreneurial journey in Beijing. Tian Rong, their close friend, faced setbacks in both love and career, and immersed herself in the real estate market after losing her job. Over the course of a decade of rising house prices in Beijing, their wealth, sense of achievement, and social status quietly shifted, dividing them into those who own a house and those who don't. Their pursuits and hopes in life changed involuntarily in the face of the harsh reality of soaring housing prices. Through detailed and authentic descriptions of reality, the novel leads us to seek answers to the housing problems plaguing the Chinese people.

11.24 Million words | 2022-12-11 15:08Update

urban fiction good novel urban street fiction

Gambler Fiction

The protagonist, burdened with a huge debt and a failed marriage, fights back and starts a divorce. Ambiguity brings luck, gambling sets the path, leading him on an extraordinary journey of self-redemption. In this context, "gambling" refers to single-match football betting on major websites, please do not misunderstand. Reading is like tasting tea, and this cup of tea will leave you with endless memories and a knowing smile. The book has already entered its prime and is impossible to put down. Come on, let's...

11.06 Million words | 2020-12-18 22:16Update

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Warmed-over 1942 Fiction
Warmed-over 1942

"Warmed-over 1942" tells a story about famine. In 1942, Henan province suffered from a severe drought, leaving millions of people in desperation. Henan became a place where mothers cooked and consumed their own infants. This novel explores the memories of "My Grandma" and "My Peanut Second Uncle", as well as the investigation conducted by Bai Xiude, a journalist from the American magazine "Time", together documenting a disaster that the nation should never forget. Liu Zhenyun's "Warmed-over 1942" was included in the series "Chinese Contemporary Writers" published by People's Literature Publishing House. The film adaptation of the same name, directed by Feng Xiaogang, is scheduled to be released in the coming year, which once again attracts attention due to the collaboration between renowned artists and the acclaimed director.

10.73 Million words | 2023-02-13 17:40Update

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Veteran Fiction

I asked, don't discharged soldiers get resettlement fees? It would be nice to start a small business. He carefully wiped the corners of his mouth with a piece of tissue. His child needed to go to school and tuition was expensive. The resettlement fee was not much. He could have transferred to another job at the time, but he had no connections and could only go home. Later, his wife got sick and they had already spent all the resettlement fee. He didn't have much education when he joined the army, and he didn't have many opportunities after leaving. Without education, he could only do manual labor. That's what he said. However, his child was doing well in school, which saved him a lot of worries. He worked hard outside and earned more money, hoping to send his child to a good university. Suddenly, I blurted out, "Have you tried to ask the government for other subsidies?" He just looked at me and then stood up, carefully straightening his clothes. He said, "I am a physically and mentally capable discharged soldier."

10.52 Million words | 2023-04-12 05:57Update

fiction short story examples novel the novel

The Great Gatsby Fiction
The Great Gatsby

Gatsby paid a heavy price for a long-held dream. After his death, Nick discovered that Tom had secretly instigated Wilson to kill Gatsby. Feeling the haunting presence and the disillusionment of the East, he decided to return to his hometown in the Midwest. This is a simple story, yet it portrays a profoundly melancholic aspect of life.

10.50 Million words | 2020-11-08 05:20Update

novel english novel a novel

Fragrant Cold Fiction
Fragrant Cold

A tear-like crystal-clear seal, an ancient golden letter, tells two stories of unwavering love and separation. The beloved man, holding hands with a beautiful bride who happens to be her sister. She thought her heart turned to ash, but the blood feud between loved ones forced her to stand against her lover. However, the man who suddenly appeared, handsome like a demon, is he the antidote to redeem her or the poison of love? When she returns, she makes a pact with him and transforms into a beautiful avenging goddess, slaying their common enemy. But she is merely a mortal trapped in the mundane world, unable to let go of love, hatred, greed, and delusion. And him, will the demonic love be blessed? The flower, having lost its owner, will the resplendent and dazzling Fragrant Cold and the sorrowful and hopeless karmic bond continue to shine a hundred years later?

10.17 Million words | 2023-02-10 06:41Update

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Mushroom Circle Fiction
Mushroom Circle

The book consists of two novels, 'Mushroom Circle' and 'Three Cordyceps'. In 'Mushroom Circle', the protagonist Sijiong navigates through the absurd political era to the present day, experiencing numerous changes in people's lives and coping with the ever-changing times with pure survival power. Following Alai's consistent perspective on the 'people' in the Tibetan area, the novel is beautifully written, blending reality into ethereal time, encompassing a nation's history with ordinary lives, and revealing Alai's 'love rooted in life' for the Tibetan area. 'Three Cordyceps' tells the story of Sangji, a Tibetan primary school student, who skips school to dig cordyceps during the 'Cordyceps Season' to alleviate financial hardships and pursue his pure ideals. Facing a complex adult world, Sangji's pure inner world shines with nobility. The novel exudes a warm and moving atmosphere.

9.96 Million words | 2020-11-22 16:28Update

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When Will Scenery Know Fiction
When Will Scenery Know

Throughout my life, I have longed to be cherished, carefully placed, and properly preserved. To avoid being startled, to avoid hardship, to avoid wandering aimlessly, to avoid having no one to rely on. But that person, I know, I have always known, will never come. The one who took so much effort to be together, the former lover of my late sister, how could the stubborn Ye Jing bear the repeated disappointments from that sarcastic brother-in-law? After finally succeeding in divorce, she is targeted once again by another gentle brother-in-law who has always loved her sister. In order to protect the little bean in her belly, Ye Jing has to engage in a long-term battle with both invincible brother-in-laws. Love is full of twists and turns, misunderstandings multiply exponentially, and fate suddenly throws a devastating blow at Ye Jing. Can she, who firmly believes that love can create miracles, finally achieve a happily ever after with her true love? Please also believe in the power of love to create miracles.

8.72 Million words | 2022-01-26 09:19Update

writing a novel a novel romance historical fiction with romance

The Old Man and the Sea Fiction
The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea is about Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, who goes eighty-four days without catching a fish. Finally, he hooks a giant marlin but it drags his small boat out to sea for three days, leaving him exhausted. He manages to kill the fish and tie it to the side of the boat, but on the journey back, they are attacked by sharks, leaving only the fish's head, tail, and spine by the time they reach the harbor. Though a simple and short story, it contains profound meanings.

8.34 Million words | 2021-07-11 13:55Update

novel now novel a novel

Glorious Day Fiction
Glorious Day

Glorious Day is the first magical realism novel filled with satire. Seven young individuals, Da Mai, Wang Zhi, Wan He Ping, Shi Shan, Hong Zhong, Mi Qi, and Lou Ti, voluntarily give up their allocated jobs after graduating from university. They don't want to join foreign companies or become white-collar workers. Instead, they aspire to be like the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove from ancient times. They arrive at a remote village called 'Peaceful Phoenix' where they willingly teach at the village school. At the same time, they utilize their respective skills to fulfill their own ideals. They research firearms and explosives, build houses and grow vegetables. They also accommodate a singer named Ha Lei, who is referred to as 'mentally ill', a companion girl named Mai Pian, the elderly botanist Liu Xiao Li and his two-legged dog. This seemingly abnormal group of people create a strange world of their own and encounter many peculiar events. While seemingly absurd, the novel prompts various reflections. As the story unfolds, they search for the future within their own world. Glorious Day inherits Han Han's rebelliousness and humor, with a more ingenious focus on plot and conflicts between characters. It is another innovative and breakthrough work in his style.

8.14 Million words | 2021-07-19 20:42Update

write a novel novel writers novel book

The Overflow of My Love for You Fiction
The Overflow of My Love for You

Xu Shaoshi, a man of three parts cleanliness, three parts rascality, and four parts cunning, always appears as a pure and noble gentleman in front of others, cold and aloof in his indifference, elitist in his aloofness. However, once he returns home, he enters a state of indulgence.

7.88 Million words | 2022-11-22 08:59Update

write a novel fantasy novel publishing romance novel

82-Year-Old Kim Ji-yeong Fiction
82-Year-Old Kim Ji-yeong

Kim Ji-yeong, born on (年月日), in Seoul. She grew up in a civil servant family, living with six family members in a 72-square meter house. She is the kind of ordinary girl you meet every day. From a young age, Kim Ji-yeong faced many perplexities. The best things in the house were always given to her younger brother, and she and her sister had to share a room and a bed. When she was in elementary school, she was bullied by a boy next to her and cried to the teacher. However, the teacher laughed and said, 'Boys are like this, they bully the girls they like.' In middle school, she had to guard against gropers on the subway and buses. Even at school, there were male teachers who would touch the female students inappropriately. But they often chose to endure it silently. After graduating from university, she joined a public relations company. She noticed that although there were many female colleagues, most of the executives were men. After work, she had to attend social events and endure clients' dirty jokes and endless pressure to drink. At the age of 31, she got married and soon had a child due to pressure from her elders. Under the anticipated expectations of everyone, she quit her job and became a full-time mother. Kim Ji-yeong feels like she is standing in the center of a labyrinth. Despite her continuous efforts to find a way out, she realizes that she can never reach the end of the path.

7.59 Million words | 2021-05-23 21:14Update

novel books novel english novel

Dream of the Red Chamber Fiction
Dream of the Red Chamber

"Dream of the Red Chamber" is one of the four great classics of ancient China. It is a long novel written in a style of episodic chapters and was completed in the 49th year of the Qianlong era during the Qing Dynasty. The official title of this serialized novel is "Dream of the Red Chamber". It was also known by other titles such as "Chronicles of the Stone", "Records of a Buddhist Pilgrimage", "Mirror of Beauty and Pleasure", and "The Twelve Beauties of Jinling". The first part was written by Cao Xueqin, while the second part was either continued by Gao E or an anonymous writer. Cheng Weiyuan and Gao E later edited and compiled the entire story. This masterpiece is a highly intellectual and artistic work. The author has preliminary democratic thoughts and provides profound critiques of the dark aspects of the society, the imperial court, and the bureaucracy. Furthermore, it scrutinizes the decay of feudal nobility and their families, as well as the feudal systems of examinations, marriage, and servitude. The novel also explores the social hierarchy and the ruling thoughts of the time. It presents a vague yet initial democratic ideal and proposition.

7.13 Million words | 2020-07-21 13:10Update

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