novel book

Best Novels: A World of Imagination at Your Fingertips

Are you a bookworm in search of your next literary adventure? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into the enchanting world of novels, explore some of the most remarkable works of all time, and suggest websites where you can dive into these captivating stories.

1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen:
Jane Austen's masterpiece is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of readers for centuries. Set in the early 19th century, this novel revolves around the spirited Elizabeth Bennet and her tumultuous relationship with the enigmatic Mr. Darcy. With its witty dialogue and insightful social commentary, Pride and Prejudice remains a must-read for anyone seeking a tale of love, reputation, and self-discovery.

2. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee:
Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel is a powerful exploration of racial injustice and morality. Set in the 1930s, the story follows Scout Finch, a young girl living in Alabama, as her father defends an innocent black man accused of rape. Through Scout's innocent eyes, readers witness the harsh realities of prejudice and the importance of empathy and understanding.

3. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald:
Transport yourself to the Roaring Twenties with F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece, The Great Gatsby. This novel paints a vivid picture of glitz, glamour, and the pursuit of the American Dream. Follow Jay Gatsby's extravagant parties, complex relationships, and ultimately tragic fate as Fitzgerald explores themes of love, wealth, and the illusions of the Jazz Age.

4. 1984 by George Orwell:
George Orwell's dystopian novel, 1984, has become a symbol of government surveillance and totalitarian control. Set in a fictional future, the story revolves around Winston Smith, a low-ranking member of the Party, who starts questioning the regime's oppressive tactics. Orwell's thought-provoking narrative serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the importance of truth, freedom, and individuality.

When it comes to finding these novels and exploring even more captivating stories, several websites cater to avid readers:

1. Goodreads ( is a popular platform that allows users to discover, review, and discuss their favorite books. It provides personalized recommendations based on your reading preferences and connects you with fellow book enthusiasts.

2. Project Gutenberg ( offers over 60,000 free eBooks, including many classic novels. Immerse yourself in the world of literature without spending a penny by accessing their extensive digital library.

3. Amazon ( provides a vast selection of books, both physical and digital, catering to all genres and interests. With customer reviews and personalized recommendations, you can easily find your next great read.

In conclusion, novels are not just books; they are gateways to adventure, knowledge, and self-reflection. Whether you prefer Jane Austen's romance, Harper Lee's societal critique, F. Scott Fitzgerald's portrayal of the American Dream, or George Orwell's dystopian vision, these novels will transport you to different worlds and leave you yearning for more. So grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot, and embark on your next literary journey. Happy reading!
Chang Hen Ge Fiction
Chang Hen Ge

The Chang Hen Ge is a story of a woman's forty years of love and affection, beautifully and vividly portrayed in a delicate and vibrant writing style. The story unfolds with twists and turns. In the 1940s, Wang Qiyao, a high school student, is chosen as the 'Miss Shanghai', marking the beginning of her tumultuous destiny. She transforms from a teenage 'canary' to a real woman, entangled in complex relationships. The liberation of Shanghai turns her into an ordinary citizen as the high-ranking officer meets a tragic fate. While her outward life becomes mundane and tranquil, her emotions remain turbulent. The complex relationships with several men seem predestined. In the 1980s, Wang Qiyao, now in the later stages of life, becomes the victim of fate. She embarks on a twisted romance with her daughter's male classmate, leading to her own accidental demise, leaving her soul to rest in peace.

26.69 Million words | 2020-08-21 20:11Update

novel good novel novel book

The Second Sun Fiction
The Second Sun

"The Second Sun" depicts the glorious victory of our army crossing the Yangtze River, liberating Wuhan and advancing into Hunan, praising the birth of the second sun of New China. Deputy Commander Qin Zhen of our army received a telegram from Vice Chairman Zhou Enlai on the train heading south, asking him to find out the whereabouts of the underground worker Bai Jie. This excited him, as Bai Jie is his daughter and the lover of the division commander Chen Wenhong. Qin Zhen immediately discussed with Chen Wenhong and the division political commissar Liang Shuguang, determined to crush Bai Chongxi's "Partial Counterattack Plan in Central China" and rescue Bai Jie and the masses.

25.35 Million words | 2021-03-11 18:04Update

novel history of historical fiction the novel

If I Didn't Meet You This Second Fiction
If I Didn't Meet You This Second

If it was unfortunate, how did she meet a nobleman who made all women envy; if it was fortunate, why was he always extremely indifferent to her? If he didn't like her, why did he force a marriage; if he liked her, why did he ignore her after they got married? Mu Rong Qingyi, born into a prestigious and wealthy family, accidentally saves Ren Susu from a frightened horse at the racecourse. Is this love between the aristocratic young master and the commoner girl fate? Or is it a curse? When romance novels move away from the dreamy style of Korean dramas and delve into heart-wrenching and unforgettable love, perhaps it will be a whole new world. As the era of novels with weeping words is about to come...

16.32 Million words | 2023-05-27 13:25Update

novel writing historical romance fiction contemporary fiction books

Dust Settled Fiction
Dust Settled

A prominent Khampa Tibetan chieftain, after a drunken encounter with his Han Chinese wife, gives birth to a foolish son. This supposedly idiotic person, who doesn't fit into the realities of life, possesses an otherworldly intuition and demeanor, becoming a witness to the rise and fall of the chieftain system. The novel unfolds with captivating twists and turns, using passionate and detached observation to portray rich ethnic sentiments and the romantic mystique of the chieftain system.

24.61 Million words | 2022-08-05 15:35Update

fiction novel a novel the novel

The Female Psychologist Fiction
The Female Psychologist

The novel depicts the growth and transformation of the protagonist, Hedun. Having lived in the lower strata of society, she has endured numerous tortures due to her poor upbringing. The torment of her soul and the pressures of survival are her unspoken nightmares. Through a fortuitous opportunity, she becomes a psychological counselor. In the clinic, she encounters visitors on the verge of mental collapse and strange and mysterious events that leave her perplexed. Meanwhile, her own emotions are on the brink of crisis, pushing her to the verge of psychological breakdown. With the help of her lover, she gradually unravels various difficulties and crises with tenacious pursuit of her career. Eventually, she breaks free from her cocoon, embarking on a new chapter in her life. The novel is filled with peculiar stories and suspense, and delving into it reveals the hidden logic and unexpected answers behind all the peculiar incidents. It is a tale of a woman's struggle, a healing prescription offered by a psychologist, and a representative work by Bi Shumin.

42.16 Million words | 2022-07-09 22:11Update

fantasy novel publishing literary fiction books a novel romance

Yellow River Flows East Fiction
Yellow River Flows East

Based on the historical event of the Nationalist Army's blowing up of the Huayuankou Dam on the Yellow River, causing a great disaster for millions of people in Henan, Anhui, and Jiangsu provinces, the novel depicts the profound calamity and heroic struggle experienced by the people in the flooded Yellow River area from year to year. Through the narration of the hardships and different experiences of seven peasant families on the banks of the Yellow River, the author portrays the characters of Xu Qiuzhai, Li Mai, and Haichang Song, reflecting the profound sufferings of the working people in old China and their inevitable path to join the struggle. It won the 2nd Mao Dun Literature Prize.

43.44 Million words | 2020-12-10 20:23Update

history of historical fiction historical fiction ya ya historical fiction

The Ravens' Slaughter Fiction
The Ravens' Slaughter

On the balcony, Princess Emperor Ji captivates the world with her enchanting song 'Peach Blossoms in the East Wind'. But a glass fire brings an end to the Great Yan Kingdom, turning past memories into fleeting dreams. Hidden under an assumed name, Princess Emperor Ji takes on the role of a lowly servant, Tan Chuan, in the immortal cultivation site Xiangqu Mountain. Unexpectedly, old acquaintances reappear one after another. Her former lover, Zuo Zichen, has lost his memory and relies on Xuanzhu for companionship. Meanwhile, the charismatic and elegant Fu Jiuyun emerges from the shadows, provoking and challenging her in countless ways. Amidst the chaos caused by the White River Dragon King at Xiangqu Mountain, Tan Chuan steals the mountain lord's treasure and escapes. Furious upon discovering the deception, Fu Jiuyun pursues her relentlessly across great distances. Learning about her mission, he can only sacrifice his own life to fulfill it. Little does she know that he has been waiting alone for a thousand years, just to meet her.

20.99 Million words | 2022-03-27 00:39Update

xianxia novel recommendations novel writers writing a novel

Cold Moon Like Frost Fiction
Cold Moon Like Frost

The heavy rain stirred up fine white mist, as if a hundred rivers were flowing straight down from the sky. Through the dense curtain of rain, the golden glass of the Ninefold Palace gradually blurred, like a shimmering reflection. His fingers were slightly cold, and the dragon-embroidered golden robe emitted a bittersweet scent of auspicious incense, as if carrying a hint of coolness brought by the rain, gently touching her face. Finally, he sighed deeply, 'I just want to know, after all this time, do you have any sincerity at all?' She remained silent. A desolate and faint smile appeared on his face, and after a long time, he finally said, 'You look so much like her, but even if I were to exchange the entire world, I still wouldn't be able to bring her back.'

15.68 Million words | 2022-03-21 19:42Update

romance historical fiction historical fiction books romance novel book

Autumn Turmoil Fiction
Autumn Turmoil

Autumn Turmoil is a recipient of the Mao Dun Literature Prize, depicting the various upheavals stirred by the 'rural reformer' Yue Pengcheng amidst the transformation of his hometown. It covers the attention from provincial and municipal committees, nationwide and provincial media coverage of his engagement, ancient legends surrounding Li Longshan, and the names of Yue Pengcheng and the large mulberry grove engraved on a tablet at the back hall of Liwang Temple. Moreover, it delves into the inner turmoil experienced by Yue Pengcheng, the conflicts with his son Leiguan due to differing reform perspectives, the sharp intensification of conflicts and family issues caused by his relationship with Qiuling, and his bold, decisive, visionary and far-sighted handling of issues during the reform that led to significant development of local rural enterprises, but also involved illegal activities such as profiteering from scarce goods amidst the impact of market economy and corrupt social atmosphere.

21.76 Million words | 2022-04-19 01:18Update

english novel mystery fiction short stories the novel

Skywalker Fiction

Skywalker tells the story of private teachers in rural China, who once numbered as many as four million. In extremely difficult conditions, they shoulder the heavy responsibility of imparting knowledge and wisdom to over a hundred million rural primary and secondary school students, spreading modern civilization to the most remote corners, while receiving little in return. Over a decade ago, a piece called 'Phoenix Qin' brought these private teachers, who had quietly dedicated themselves in mountain villages, into the national spotlight, moving countless readers to tears. Author Liu Xinglong's desire to continue telling the extraordinary and hopeful stories of private teachers has now led to 'Skywalker', an immensely touching tribute to these 'folk heroes who silently toiled on the vast land of China in the latter half of the 20th century'.

20.11 Million words | 2023-01-18 03:21Update

whats a novel english novel the novel

Light in the Deep Sea Fiction
Light in the Deep Sea

The first encounter was at a funeral. Her boyfriend died in a car accident, and his brother, unable to bear the online bullying, took his own life. Ten years later, they meet again. She is a cyber police officer burying her emotions, and he is a internet hacker with a fear of the deep sea. "Why are you afraid of the deep sea? Have you drowned before?" "Thalassophobia is not about fearing the deep sea itself. It's about fearing the darkness, the unknown things around you that can devour you, with no escape." "That seems unlikely in reality." "Online bullying is exactly that, being attacked by countless unseen people. It's an endless darkness and despair. You stand at the center, covered in wounds, not even knowing who is throwing knives and bullets at you." She holds his cold hand. "He Xisheng, believe me, there will be light in the deep sea."

32.15 Million words | 2022-09-22 01:53Update

interesting suspense novel suspense fiction novel book

Flower Face Fiction
Flower Face

From ancient times to the modern city, in all the touching stories, a book closest to the enigma of love. From the elegant ancient background to the playful modern style, there are office romances of urban white-collar workers, as well as the unique life of the legendary woman Liú Rúshì. Those who are deeply in love with the dark and bitter underworld boss also start an awkward love affair. And the unfinished longing in the novels 'Eastern Palace' and 'Thousands of Mountains in the Sunset' also reach its destination in 'Flower Face'.

12.31 Million words | 2022-03-24 23:48Update

historical fiction romance romance novel historical romance fiction

Golden Years Fiction
Golden Years

In the 1990s Shanghai, Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun had different backgrounds and personalities, but were equally beautiful and intelligent. When they were young, Suosuo had a difficult family situation, and Nansun's family took her in and helped her, thus forging a deep friendship between them. As they entered society, Suosuo experienced ups and downs in her career, quickly rising to success through her wit and excellent qualifications, while Nansun continued to pursue education, talk about love, and became even more knowledgeable. Later, Nansun faced hardships and Suosuo helped her out of campus, providing her with accommodation and work. Through hard work and knowledge, Nansun gradually became an outstanding professional woman. Suosuo got married, seemingly glamorous, but her marriage was not recognized by her husband's family. When their marital relationship was on the rocks, Nansun helped take care of her child and manage her life until Suosuo had the courage to break free. With the changes of life and the passage of time, they tasted the various flavors of life, but supported and experienced it together, not only creating a colorful life, but also becoming the most mature women, having their own golden years.

14.22 Million words | 2021-05-11 11:21Update

romance historical fiction novel writing contemporary fiction books

Xu Mao and His Daughters Fiction
Xu Mao and His Daughters

The novel takes place in a remote rural village in Sichuan during winter. It vividly depicts the disastrous destruction brought about by the Cultural Revolution and the severe trauma inflicted on the rural population, focusing on the life stories of Xu Mao, an elderly farmer, and his daughters. The novel deeply reflects the turbulent social changes of the era, while also foreshadowing the bright and promising future that is certain to emerge after the end of the turmoil. This novel won the first Maodun Literature Prize.

17.90 Million words | 2020-08-09 03:11Update

fiction novel novel now english novel

Youth Fiction

"Youth" is a collection of Han Han's latest selected essays. It includes his insightful remarks on significant events and activities in China during the year. The book was published in Taiwan on MM/DD/YYYY and released in mainland China on MM/DD/YYYY. It features essays such as "The Hook Case," "The Price of Carrying a Corpse in Jingzhou," and "Cities Making Life Worse." It also includes Han Han's recent updates on racing and writing, as well as his authentic records of life. This collection also contains his candid essays like "Must Raise the Middle Finger" and "Life Continues to Fall like Jumping Off a Building."

597.63 Million words | 2020-07-22 13:21Update

fiction novel novel now english novel

Blooming flowers Fiction
Blooming flowers

The story begins with A Bao at the age of 10 and ends with Xiao Mao's death in middle age. It spans from the century to the century. The focus is on two periods in Shanghai, the 1960s and 1970s, and the 1980s and 1990s, particularly the living conditions of the people of Shanghai during these two distinct historical periods. In addition, Jin Yucheng touches on the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period and even ancient legendary times, presenting not only the historical memories of Shanghai as a city but also its close relationship with its cultural background. In terms of genre, "Blooming Flowers" fully draws on and absorbs the strengths of traditional fiction, presenting a new artistic style.

35.01 Million words | 2020-09-28 11:23Update

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Enthralled Fiction

Muci once loved someone. Later, her wish came true and she became his girlfriend. Then, she was drugged by him and sent to Shen Rugui's side as a trade for his affections. That night, Muci almost died on Shen Rugui's bed. As dawn broke, she could faintly hear the man's devilish laughter. "Poor little thing, you've fallen into my hands again." V, unrequited love, with plot as the main focus and explicit content as the supplement. Simplified Chinese version, high heat, modern female-oriented.

277.17 Million words | 2022-07-02 19:28Update

fiction novel novel now novel book

Lychees of Chang'an. Fiction
Lychees of Chang'an.

A line from the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu, "A ride through the red dust, a princess's smile, no one knows it's the arrival of lychees," has sparked endless imaginations for over a thousand years. However, fresh lychees have a preservation period of only three days. How was this legendary journey, spanning over five thousand miles, accomplished? Who allowed Yang Guifei to savor fresh lychees from Lingnan in Chang'an? Author Ma Boyong opens up a vast realm of imagination. In line with Ma Boyong's signature sense of temporal and spatial tension in writing, readers not only witness the survival tactics of ordinary people in turbulent times, but also experience the thrilling struggles achieved through human effort. The book comes with an accompanying "Fresh Lychee Transportation Map."

199.72 Million words | 2021-08-09 09:57Update

whats a novel a novel history and historical fiction

Douro Continent 2: Peerless Tang Sect Fiction
Douro Continent 2: Peerless Tang Sect

There is no magic, no martial arts, no qi, but there are martial souls. On the Douluo Continent, after thousands of years since the founding of the Tang Sect, it has declined. Can a new generation of Shrek Seven Devils revive the Tang Sect and compose an extraordinary song for the Tang Sect? With a million-year soul beast and the dead spirit holy law that holds the sun, moon, and stars, a new soul guide system that led to the decline of the Tang Sect will be revealed in all its wonder. Can the Tang Sect's hidden weapons regain their glory? Can the Tang Sect revive its former splendor? Everything is in The Unrivaled Tang Sect! [In Douluo Continent II, I guess these words are enough. Come back, brothers and sisters of the Tang Sect.] v group number: (Joining the group requires full subscription or a fan value of 3000) YY: (no information provided)

96.92 Million words | 2021-06-24 10:01Update

fiction fantasy ya fantasy fiction fantasy and fiction

Struggle for the Dawn Fiction
Struggle for the Dawn

"Shining Sword" is a main melody work that integrates war art and legendary elements. In the drama, patriotism and heroism, unwavering determination and worldly sentiments, strategic battles and personal valor, friendship and love intertwine. The story follows the extraordinary life of Li Yunlong, an outstanding military commander of our army, starting from his brave resistance against the Japanese invaders as the commander of a certain independent brigade in the northwestern part of Shanxi Province, up until his persecution and suicide during the Cultural Revolution, and his subsequent rehabilitation years later. "Facing formidable enemies, even if we know we are outnumbered, we shall resolutely wield our swords. Even if we fall, we shall become a mountain, a ridge." This quote embodies the life of Li Yunlong, the "hero of the grasslands." The newly added prequel of Li Yunlong tells the legendary story of the protagonist Li Yunlong during the years ~. In addition to the thrilling plot of Li Yunlong's life-and-death struggle with the Ma family army and his passionate love affair with female warrior Zheng Fang, a significant amount of the historical background of the entire novel's era is also introduced, recreating the brutal western expedition of the Fourth Red Army.

35.82 Million words | 2021-03-29 23:34Update

non fiction revolutionary war books fiction and nonfiction books novel writers

Soldiers Assault Fiction
Soldiers Assault

"Soldier Assault" is a novel that showcases military personnel. The soldier in this novel is called Xu Sanduo. This "Forrest Gump"-like soldier, through the harsh training in the Chinese army, narrates a story of growth from the countryside to the military camp. Xu Sanduo seems to be two different people, but deep down, he still earns your admiration and makes you reminisce. Even his "foolishness" is enough for you to like him. Faced with such a vivid and lively soldier, we have every reason to believe that contemporary military personnel, especially the warriors of today, still possess the most lovable qualities! It is indeed true that people are the most adorable beings.

88.61 Million words | 2021-09-22 10:37Update

war fiction realistic fiction. the long war novel