top historical fiction authors

Top Historical Fiction Authors: Discover the Masters of the Genre

Are you a history enthusiast intrigued by the idea of stepping back in time through the pages of a captivating novel? Look no further! In this article, we will explore some of the top historical fiction authors who excel at creating immersive and realistic worlds set in the past. Whether you enjoy ancient civilizations, medieval Europe, or the era of great conflicts, these authors have you covered.

1. Hilary Mantel:
Hilary Mantel is a renowned British author known for her historical novels set in the Tudor period. Her most famous work, the award-winning "Wolf Hall" trilogy, delves into the life of Thomas Cromwell, a key figure in King Henry VIII's court. Mantel's meticulous research and rich character development bring this fascinating era to life.

2. Ken Follett:
If you are a fan of sweeping epics that span generations, you cannot miss Ken Follett's novels. His masterpiece, "The Pillars of the Earth," transports readers to 12th-century England, where cathedrals are being built, and political and religious turmoil is rife. With intricate plotting and memorable characters, Follett weaves a compelling tapestry of medieval life.

3. Philippa Gregory:
For those intrigued by the lives of influential women in history, Philippa Gregory's works are a must-read. Gregory has extensively explored the lives of the Tudor queens, such as Anne Boleyn in "The Other Boleyn Girl" and Elizabeth I in "The Virgin's Lover." Her attention to detail and ability to capture the nuances of power make her storytelling truly enthralling.

4. Bernard Cornwell:
No mention of historical fiction would be complete without Bernard Cornwell. With his masterful Sharpe series, Cornwell takes readers to the heart of the Napoleonic Wars. The series follows the adventures of the enigmatic Richard Sharpe as he rises through the ranks of the British army. Cornwell's battle scenes are legendary, and his expertise in the period shines through his storytelling.

5. Diana Gabaldon:
If you're looking for a captivating blend of history, romance, and time travel, Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series is the perfect choice. The saga follows Claire Randall, a World War II nurse who finds herself transported back to 18th-century Scotland. Gabaldon's meticulous research and vivid descriptions immerse readers in the Jacobite uprising and its aftermath.

To explore even more historical fiction delights, consider visiting websites like Goodreads ( or Historical Novel Society ( These platforms offer a wealth of recommendations and have active communities of avid readers eager to share their favorite historical fiction novels and authors.

So go ahead, embark on a literary journey through time with these top historical fiction authors. Immerse yourself in the pages of their captivating tales and let history come alive in your imagination.
No Longer Human Fiction
No Longer Human

"I apologize for being human. From childhood to adulthood, I have never been able to escape from loneliness and sadness. I have always yearned for love and to be loved, but it has always been contrary to my wishes. The abyss-like confusion and despair gradually engulfed me. I have repeatedly hurt the people I love and who love me. I have indulged in self-destruction, self-abandonment, and self-infliction until I have lost the right to be called a human being... My name is Ye Zang, and this is my true story. May these agonizing struggles become your remedy, to love all things in this world."

19.31 Million words | 2020-12-13 11:45Update

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